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001364_owner-lightwav…mail.webcom.com_Tue Oct 24 14:54:22 1995.msg
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Date: Tue, 24 Oct 1995 17:47:56 -0400 (EDT)
From: Robert Cohen <rcohen@shell.monmouth.com>
To: Lightwave Post <lightwave@mail.webcom.com>
Subject: Re: Par Problems
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On Tue, 24 Oct 1995 DanEsmond@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 95-10-23 21:03:06 EDT, you write:
> >I have a Amiga Par card/Micrapolis 2217A. I've had no problems for a year
> >or so, but now after the par plays back a few anims it starts to flash
> >colored pixelated information on screen. Was told by DPS that it was a drive
> >problem. Heat probably!
> The Mic. 2217 is an extremely HOT drive. I burned up my first one by
> just mounting it in the case like any other drive. After that, I went to
> extremes to make sure the next one would last. The new one sits
> in a TO tower, opposite the PS intake with 3 inches airspace above
> and below. It has run glitchless for over a year now.
Also, heat buildup can effect the board. I have an expansion case which
houses the 2217, while the boards, of course, are in my A2000. I also
own a TBC IV, which according to the installation docs, should be mounted
in the slot right next to the PAR card. For the first few months, I was
experiencing some flashing, some crashing, some IDE lockups and the
like. I was negotiating with DPS, Micropolis and my dealer for a quick
fix. Upon popping the hood one day after a very hard crash, it became
apparent that the boards were way too hot. I moved the TBC IV over by
one slot, (just about had enough length on the hopper between the boards)
knocked out a few empty card slots (for added ventilation) and have not
had a single problem since. I have also gotten into the habit of popping
the hood from time to time and blowing out the dust which builds in and
around the fan area.
I have three drives in my expansion tower, one of which is the Micropolis
PAR drive. I can't say that I have had much of a problem with anything
running hot in the tower, but as a precaution, I have installed a
secondary fan. I would suggest to any PAR/TBC IV owners to do the same.
When you install them right next to each other the way the docs tell you
to do, there is literally no breathing room between them. So of course
they are going to run hot ;(
Robert Cohen / Ocean Township NJ Lightwave Animator / Video Editor
robert.cohen@njland.com / rcohen@monmouth.com
Robert Cohen <rcohen@shell.monmouth.com> sent this message.
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